Ask the Petfood Pro

Are you more of a fan of conversations with prospects than presentations?

Ask The Petfood Pro is a series of chats with experts for anyone with burning questions about the pet food industry.

‍Host an engaging conversation about important industry topics alongside a trusted Petfood Industry editorial expert …and attract clients who are seeking industry expertise. Sponsors participate in an interactive session which allows attendees to submit questions for the pro before and during the chat, making them a participant in the conversation.  Ask The Petfood Pro offers a more personal way to engage with your audience about issues facing the industry compared to presentation-style webinars.

Our team will work with you on a topic to make sure it is on-brand for our audience. You can choose to participate directly as a speaker or affiliate your brand with a conversation between leading industry experts who are selected by our editorial staff. Captioning makes these sessions accessible for a world-wide audience of industry decision makers.

With Ask the Petfood Pro, you will:

  • Share valuable insights with a captive audience.
  • Learn about the issues pet food industry decision-makers are facing.
  • Position your company as an industry expert.
  • Generate high-quality leads and build relationships.
  • Increase brand awareness and visibility.


Technology & Hosting

  • Industry-leading platform & dedicated webinar producer
  • Online registration page, capturing leads and attendee questions
  • Custom registration URL with UTM tracking for sponsors own promo use
  • Hosted on, see past session recordings


  • Orientation session for speakers to ensure a flawless session
  • 5-10 seed questions to jumpstart the conversation


  • 3 pre-session email promotions, featuring a short, scripted sponsor video
  • Sponsored links in Petfood Industry News
  • Social media promotion

Ask the Pet Food Pro Preparation Checklist

  • Prepare 5-10 seed questions which the editor will review prior to the conversation
  • Concise and short Title and Description of the talk (will be reviewed for SEO and best practices, we may make suggested changes)
  • Expert headshot, title, bio and email address
  • Company Logo in high resolution, eps, or ai format
  • Brief 30-40 second promo video for the promotional email – sample script:
Hi I'm [insert name], [insert title] with [insert company] please join me on [insert date and time] for Ask the Petfood Pro a live Q and A zoom chat where we will discuss [insert topic]. The chat is presented by Petfood Forum. I hope to see you there!”

View Example Here

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